Super easy lemon cupcakes with lemon curd filling and lemon cream cheese frosting

  22 October 2010

Mmm innards shot baby yeah! So who’s been watching Junior Masterchef? I have to admit I’m not a regular watcher partly because their cooking skills puts mine to shame! But I do love how the show is positive and upbeat and it is refreshing to not hear the kids say how much they hate their job!

Anywhos so a while ago they had a mystery box challenge and Isabella mentioned that her cupcake recipe (found on Masterchef website here ) used cream instead of butter and immediately I was like woah dude that’s awesome! No creaming of butter equals win! So I set off to make the cupcakes with a lemon curd filling and lemon cream cheese frosting instead of lemon meringue. The components themselves are pretty easy but the amount of washing up will make you sad. But the cupcakes are awesome trust me!

Ingredients for the lemon cupcakes- (ignore the butter!)
1 cup thickened cream
1 cup caster sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 1/2 cups self raising flour
Finely grated rind of 1 lemon + juice

Preheat oven to 180’C. Place 1 cup cream, 1 cup sugar and 2 beaten eggs in a large mixing bowl and whisk until smooth.

Grate lemon rind and add juice to the mixture.

Sift 1 1/2 cups of self raising flour into mixture and whisk until batter is thick and smooth. Divide mixture into cupcake patty cases and bake for 15-20mins.

While the cupcakes are baking it’s time to start the lemon curd! (I tweaked Isabella’s recipe a tad.) Ingredients:
1/2 cup lemon juice (approx 3 lemons)
120g butter
1/2 cup + 2 Tablespoons caster sugar
1 egg
3 egg yolks

Heat lemon juice and butter in a saucepan and simmer until butter has melted. Add sugar and whisk until dissolved then turn off the heat.

Lightly beat the 1 whole egg plus the 3 egg yolks in a bowl. Pour a bit into the lemon butter mixture and whisk continuously. If the egg starts to cook, leave the mixture to cool for about 2mins before continuing and slowly add more egg and whisking continuously until mixture becomes thick and glossy.

Leave the mixture to cool in the saucepan before pouring through a sieve and transferring to an airtight container.

Dig some holes into your cooled cupcakes. Taste test mmm nom. If your lemon curd is cooled down enough go ahead and fill the holes.

Forgot to take an ingredients pic for the frosting oops my bad! Ingredients:
250g cream cheese, room temp
125g salted butter, room temp
Finely grated rind of 1 lemon + juice
Icing sugar (use your judgment)
The trick with frosting to make it easier to pipe is to make sure the butter and cream cheese are nice and melty! Not microwave melty but you know, soft. With the icing sugar I always taste as I go so I’m not too sure about measurements but I reckon maybe 1 cup? Beat everything together till it’s super light and airy.

And tadah! Beautiful babies!

Mmm lemon threesome 😛 Oi get your mind out of the gutter! Lemon cupcake + lemon curd + lemon cream cheese frosting! If you want you can top with candied lemon slices. I cbb and just sliced normal uncandied lemon lol

Innards shot again!

Of course whenever I made cupcakes I tend to always double the recipe cos I give the cupcakes away and then I can have an extra big cake for myself heh heh have an awesome weekend dudes!

3 thoughts on “Super easy lemon cupcakes with lemon curd filling and lemon cream cheese frosting”
  1. Dorothy says:

    I am so glad you shared this yummy recipe! I have made about 90 of these patty cakes so far and they have been a huge hit with all who ate them! Thankyou!

  2. Kathy says:

    Thank you for this recipe. They were easy and fun to make and taste absolutely delicious. (I also love your little comments “the amount of washing up will make you sad” 🙂

  3. Sophia Bektassiadis says:

    Just made these only to use up a jar of lemon curd a friend made for me. OMG!!! They are fantastic. Will definitely be making them again and again and again……

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