so lately ive been downloading gossip girl and has it struck anyone else how similar it is to the oc? i mean i know its the same dude who created oc but its blond and beautiful serena van der woodsen to marissa cooper, cool and catty blair waldorf to summer roberts, in-control mother lily van der woodsen to kirsten cohen and trippy rufus humphrey to sandy cohen. oh and everyones rich and goes to an elite high school where punch ups, dances and backstabbing are the norm. so is it just me? oh and the voice over chick? the gossip girl? thats kirsten bell aka veronica mars aka elle on heroes
speaking of heroes the amount of time travel done by hiro and peter petrelli is totally making me lose the plot. and im waiting for a showdown between claire and elle too bad claire cant throw fireballs or something…
and on gilmore girls on sexy shiney foxtel sadly milo aka jess has disappeared and dean is married wtf and lane is irritating the crap outta me
house and life finished for the season last week and now the unit finishes tonite oh golly my teevee is running out!