lollipop mess
2moro is the big day! And i’m frantically making bouquets haha oh dear being so […]
2moro is the big day! And i’m frantically making bouquets haha oh dear being so laidback has a price! The awesome people at Walker’s Candy are supplying the lollipops for my wedding and i thought instead of the normal flower bouquet i’d make lollipop bouquets! Decided to glaze them incase it’s super hot and they start melting and ive superglued some pins to the mini ones for the boys bwahahaha can’t believe it’s 2moro dudes! edit: yeah see that broken lollipop up top yeah apparently when you lacquer stuff they tend to shatter way more easily argh need to lacquer backups!
edit: full wedding post here
my hen's
HAI. So i know this post isn’t really food related but um if i don’t […]

HAI. So i know this post isn’t really food related but um if i don’t write about it i tend to forget… In case you don’t follow me on twitter i’m getting hitched in 3 days (haha uh crap) and so a hen’s night was organised thanks to my ninja bridesmaids. To read the rest of this post click here
my hen's
HAI. So i know this post isn’t really food related but um if i don’t […]

HAI. So i know this post isn’t really food related but um if i don’t write about it i tend to forget… In case you don’t follow me on twitter i’m getting hitched in 3 days (haha uh crap) and so a hen’s night was organised thanks to my ninja bridesmaids

We were staying at Meriton serviced apartments in World Tower and a bunch of food bloggers arrived in the arvo to make use of the indoor pool

Knowing how the majority of food bloggers prefer to remain anonymous i made everyone buy these ridiculous sunnies bwhahaha edit: and yes i invited the boys along 😀

Black is totes sexy

Dinner was at Blackbird Cafe (122 Sussex St, Sydney) because i wanted a more casual atmosphere and also because of cheap drinks woot! Was forced to wear the sash, tiara and a glow in the dark penis whistle which i managed to hide in majority of photos hoho

Roasted Lamb Cutlets ($32.90) with sweet potato mash and thyme infused garlic sauce. i had actually thought the sauce looked a tad offputting and so i avoided it but tried it on my last cutlet and kicked myself for wasting the awesome sauce tho really it meant i could drown the cutlet and mash in the sauce mmm im all class

Ninja bridesmaids

Heh heh i <3 you guys!

The ES&T crew are gangsta

Food bloggers are freaking awesome

Group shot! Hmm only photo i have with Ninja and yet Rose and half the girls are hiding in this pic haha

And the only pic with food bloggers in sunnies and uni mates from when we went clubbing at pumphouse thanks to Will

And then i vaguely remember going to Mamak and then somehow making it back to the apartment where jelly shots so full of alcohol that they barely solidified were consumed followed by a rather hazy night of drinking and party games haha and the truthfullness that is Lex

My aim to stay up all night to see the sun failed when it started bucketing down with rain. Managed to get exactly 2 hours of sleep before a certain [grr.richard.grr] person started chanting are you awake are awake luckily Billy had whipped up some kaya toast with massive slabs of butter oh baby

After checking out we stumbled over to Macchiato for breakfast. Like my tshirt? Totally how i was feeling

Thanks everyone for the awesome night!
kfc tower burger returns + tshirt giveaway
KFC tower burger is awesome! Hashbrown = tastyness! And we’re giving away 6 limited edition ‘the legend returns’ tshirts from travisty

I remember the first time I heard about the KFC tower burger- “Dude there’s a hash brown in the burger? That’s freaking awesome!” I have a love of hash browns, truly i love any form the potato can take. Yes i was that person who shoved french fries into a burger but seriously i love the crunchiness! The pic is from the KFC website but it looks a little too perfect hehe irl it has super tasty crispy bits around the edges of both the hash brown and the chicken fillet with magically soft and juicy innards and tangy bbq sauce.

Bwahahaha dodgy gif lol yarmy burgah! Sometimes i like getting the Zinger tower burger because it’s about the only level of spicyness i can handle in my foods. Oh and there’s also the option of adding bacon. It’s not really an option because hey if you can add bacon to something the real question is, why wouldn’t you?

And thanks to Sarah from One Green Bean we’re giving away 6 limited edition ‘the legend returns’ tshirts from travisty, 3 boys and 3 girls tshirts available in red, black and white. You can enter once a day and all you gotta do is leave a comment on what your fav kfc item is and sorry dudes the competition is only open to Australian residents. Winners will be selected using Competition closes Monday 1st March at 9am, winners will be notified by email.
big mac lego
Lego food! Made by Japanese lego artist Sachiko from let’s brick the classic big mac […]
Lego food! Made by Japanese lego artist Sachiko from let’s brick the classic big mac combo was made to scale using standard lego bricks haha oh man now i want to go dig out my old lego and build a whole set of food [via design boom]