I'm 27 yo!
Hehe another year older and another year to eat deep fried foods! My birthday deal […]
Hehe another year older and another year to eat deep fried foods! My birthday deal with Noods is that he takes me anywhere to eat anything i want so first up is the most important meal of the day
Breakfast is a deep fried Snickers bar ($8.50) from Nut ‘n’ Fancy (316 Church St, Parramatta) served with vanilla icecream and strawberries. The strawberries are there to make you feel healthy. The rest not so much..
Innards shot! Gooey chocolatey innards with huge chunks of peanuts enveloped in a caramel and nougaty layer and surrounded by a pocket of batter. I found the ratio of the battered part to actual Snickers bar was a bit too much around the edges giving the whole thing a crumpet like spongey texture. But it was tasty. And um sweet. Especially with the dusting of icing sugar. Mmm sugary.
Did a bit of shopping before heading to Lowenbrau (Argyle St, The Rocks) for my free birthday meal of the glorious Schweinshaxn (Oven Roasted Pork Knuckle)
Look at this baby! Golden, fantastic earth shattering crackle encasing super tender porky flesh with a mountain of smooth mashed potato oh yes be still my cholesterol laden heart
Noods cooking mah dinner! Wagyu steak is so much win when cooking at home oh gawd the smell of bbq meat is so freaking awesome! Um no photo because I’d already managed to hack into my steak before remembering to take a pic haha
It’s not a birthday if there isn’t cake and a candle 😀
btw I’ve been having probs with my server and for some reason some people can’t open links or leave comments if it says connection timed out could ya let me know? susan@chocolatesuze.com
Happy Birthday Suze!
Dear Suze, Happy Birthday! Here’s to many more years of your animals-in-a-dish photography. May your […]
Dear Suze,
Happy Birthday! Here’s to many more years of your animals-in-a-dish photography. May your day be filled with edible animals, chocolate, cake, love and presents.
Love, Noods
Giant Gummy Bear
2moro is the Sydney Food Bloggers Meetup woohoo! The giant gummy bear from vat19.com is […]

2moro is the Sydney Food Bloggers Meetup woohoo! The giant gummy bear from vat19.com is a whopping 5 pounds/2.26kg and is the equivalent of 1400 regular-sized bears haha it is the prize for best dressed so get ready for some crazy pics! lols edit: my iphone is not part of the prize only for scale haha
cheesecake + brownie + nutella = awesome
cheesecake + brownie + Nutella = awesomeness
3 more days until Sydney’s biggest food blogger meet-up woot! At my last count we’ve got 74 bloggers coming! Any Sydney food bloggers not get an invite yet please email me! susan@chocolatesuze.com
The sudden chill in the air has made me crave for soul-comforting foods. I was tossing up between baking a super chocolatey brownie or a fabulously rich cheesecake. It was a battle of the titans (heh george!) and then I had a lightbulb moment and decided to combine the two. Awesome. And hey while we’re at it let’s chuck in some Nutella! So dudes I bring to you a cheesecake brownie with Nutella swirls! I used David Lebovitz’s recipe found here
Ingredients. My pic is a bit fail because you need 2 whole eggs plus an extra egg yolk. Oh and the cocoa is not in the pic. And my sugar is in a flour container. And you won’t need that much butter. Um maybe just ignore the pic..
I used Lindt’s new 70% cocoa specialty cooking chocolate. Shiny.
So. Layer your brownie mix. Dollop the cheesecake mixture in blobs all over the place and then dollop blobs of sweet sweet Nutella. Mmm baby. Be sure to put smaller blobs of Nutella than cheesecake but put more blogs so that later when you cut into squares each piece is covered in Nutella.
Grab a skewer or a knife and get swirling!
Pile o happiness!
Gotta have a glass of milk!

And in case you’re not following me on Twitter the awesome Jenius has compiled a list of the Top 100 Australian Food Twitterers found here
shinara fail
(Edit: Apparently Shinara is under new management now. I’m not curious enough for a return […]
(Edit: Apparently Shinara is under new management now. I’m not curious enough for a return visit just yet)
The night started happily enough with green tea froyo ($7) from Azuma. It was a tasty and smooth confection but sitting less than 5m away from Tonton and the crazy awesome scent of karaage was torture. We reasoned that to partake in deep fried chicken less than 2 hours before an all you can eat bbq buffet was an unwise decision. How wrong we were.
We arrive at Shinara (Shop 1, 338 Pitt Street) with four more bloggers and the birthday boy is presented with his coffee. Don’t drink it all in one go Yas!
At the push of a button a waitress materialises and we order a round of drinks along with the beef rib, pork belly, wagyu sirloin and well, pretty much every meat available on the Premium menu ($39.50). We waited. And waited. Some sides appeared- the edamame, octopus takoyaki balls, kimchi and shallot pancake. And then.. Nothing.
This the only plate of beef ribs we received all night. It was very sad. The great Australian dream (hah! bloody george!) of the all you can eat bbq buffet is expecting mountains of meats but instead what we got was the mount everest of fail.
It was like our table was the bermuda triangle. Cursed. Unwanted. Waiters whooshed past us with platters laden with food without even a glance in our direction. Was it us? We hadn’t waltzed in with cameras blazing in fact of the 3 of us with cameras we only started taking pics when we got a failsauce size of sashimi. Look at it! 4 slices! And that was the theme of the night- the food that did arrive was strangely miniaturized. I mean sure they might be trying to minimise the amount of wastage but when we ordered a second plate later on it was 3 times the size!
A bowl of yukke arrived missing the egg that the picture menu claimed to have and it was completely frozen! So frozen that no amount of stabbing could separate a single piece. ‘It’s meant to be frozen’ the waitress says. What?! Yukke is to be eaten like steak tartare so the meat needs to be fresh if you’re eating it raw.
But I guess everything was meant to be frozen at Shinara. From the strangely uniform square slices of tuna that resembled the texture of watermelon to the rock hard prawns and the ox tongue that had ice crystals so large it was like they had attempted to turn into shaved meat ice..
Finally we gave up and ordered bowls of green tea and vanilla ice cream. We reasoned that since everything was frozen the ice cream wouldn’t be a problem. Of course luck seemed to be against us that night and our green tea ice cream arrived in a melty puddle under the vanilla ice cream which was also flecked with ice crystals.
It’s not like the restaurant was completely jam packed full and the tables around us had received their food immediately. the majority of the waitresses were polite and apologetic but completely at a loss to our plaintive cries of ‘where’s the food!’. But one waiter was so inept that the ninja seethes with anger and sets his sights on the pleb and asks to see the manager. The waiter shakes his head and nods at the same time saying the manager was coming and runs away. 15mins later we are all fidgeting and ask another waitress for the manager who says the manager is ‘busy’ and not yet at the restaurant. Steam starts coming outta the ninjas ears and he tells the waitress to call her manager and some of us start putting on our jackets and the waitress arrives saying the manager is on the way and stands there almost as if standing guard to make sure we don’t do a runner and miraculously the manager appears. Unfortunately the manager does not have the power to deal with us and has to disappear to make another phone call- to her boss. It was like a bad video game where defeating one end of level boss means you just have to fight another end of level boss. Eventually we settle on paying half the bill.
We leave and head to Mamak where some of the night is restored in food that arrives hot, tasty and uber fast. Maybe Shinara was having a bad day. Maybe all the people in the kitchen took a sickie. Maybe yukke is meant to be frozen. Who knows?