Super Easy No Bake Nutella Cheesecake

Why helloooo schexy… So did you know World Nutella Day is coming up? February 5th is where the world will celebrate the joys and deliciousness that is this wonderous hazelnut and chocolate spread! So get ready dudes cos I’ve gotta whole lotta Nutella to use and some awesome recipes to share!

This fabulous no bake Nutella cheesecake recipe is from Catherine at Noble Nourishment with just a minor adjustment. It is creamy, almost mousse-like and absolutely deeeeelicious. Best part? No baking and no gelatine!

250g digestives biscuits (I like Arnott’s Nice biscuits. They’re nice heh)
100g salted butter, melted
1tsp vanilla extract
2 × 250g blocks of cream cheese, room temp
100g icing sugar (ignore my ghetto sugar storage)
½ cup double cream (I used thickened cream)
1 × 400g jar of Nutella (obviously the jar in my pic is way larger than 400g)

Blitz the biscuits until nice and crumbly

Put the crumbs into a bowl and add the melted butter, mixing thoroughly

Tip the biscuit mix into a springform cake tin and press firmly to create an even layer. Chill in the fridge while preparing the cheesecake mixture

Beat the 2 × 250g blocks of cream cheese, 100g icing sugar and 1 tsp vanilla essence in a bowl until it forms a smooth mixture with no lumps.

Beat in the 400g jar of Nutella until mixture is combined.

Beat in the ½ cup cream until mixture looks shiny and mousse-like.

Dollop mixture onto biscuit base and smooth the surface

Just before refrigerating the cheesecake add some white chocolate curls using the cheats way of scraping a block of chocolate with a grater or a knife

Whack on the white chocolate curls and voila! Chill in the fridge for a few hours or, preferably, overnight.

Easiest cheesecake evah!

Oh and I made some mini cheesecakes to take to work and no I couldn’t resist taste testing one before taking the photo 😀 Hope you have an awesome weekend dudes!
I hear easy, I hear Nutella, so I raise my hand. It looks absolutely gorgeous and will be sure to impress people who will, without doubt, think one has poured hours over it. You are fabulous!
Mini nutella cakes!!! @-@ your workmates are a hella lucky bunch
Woah, I looked at the second last photo and for a second, I thought that was my wall in my backyard lol!
Zomg, looks a-ma-zing! So how much nutella do you have left now? 😛
Oooo thanks for the heads up for Nutella Day! Your cheesecake looks so smexy..
No Bake Cheesecake & no gelatine!!! looks easy and looks good. Gotta give something like this a go. 🙂
That looks like an absolute winner of a recipe. The BF is not a fan of baked cheesecakes so I think I will try this one soon. I’m down with no gelatine too.
Last cheesecake I made I swapped out one of the blocks of cream cheese for marscapone cos its sweeter and tastier IMHO.
You have just made my day! This recipe looks divine! I’m going to make it 🙂
mmmmmmm you had me at nutella….
Yum! Even I could make this, esp as there’s no cooking involved!
woah, definitely inviting you to dive in. How did you fold the paper so neatly for those mini cheesecakes? Mine always get so scrunched up.
Those mini cheesecakes are just adorbs! Could go one now for my mid-morning snack
gahhhhh! gooey nutella filled goodness! baking cheesecakes spins me out. I can never tell when they’re done! hurrah for an excuse to eat nutella mixed with cream cheese too. hehehe
I think I can even hear my heart pounding. Though that might be because your icing sugar looks like a stash of crack 😉
Cheesecake! Nom nom nom forever!
Oh my! That looks totally yummy! By the way, what electric mixer and food processor are you using? I’ve just started out baking, and totally need to invest in something that isn’t too expensive but good. Thanks 🙂
omg I love Nutella! now where can I get my hands on that giant tub??
OMG! That is FANTASTIC recipe. WOW! I just have to make this. Nice work.
This looks decadent and easy. I would love to try this recipe soon! 😀
ps: I reckon it wouldn’t take long for you to finish up your 5kg of nutella. 😉
Looks real good Suze! Oh, so that’s what my storage is called… ghetto. I even get pantry moths sometimes trying to get into my icing sugar…
This look sooo good :)) gonna make it this weekend.
What size tin did you use??
yum! this sounds so good!
Hooray! I’ve been waiting for some nutella based recipes ever since I saw your christmas post. This cheesecake looks delicious and so easy. Well done!
Ooooh your cheesecake looks amaaaaazing! I love the mini cheesecakes too 🙂 Thanks for looking at my blog!
Yummo! Love the little mini cheesecakes. Looks delish & super easy to make. Win!
This looks sooo naughty but terribly nice 😉
OMG I am so making that! drools
Are you sure that’s icing sugar? lol
i couldn’t wait to try it out after seeing this on your blog! it’s delicious! thanks for the recipe 🙂 here are some pics to share with u:
Looks pretty good suze. I like the fact that you are putting that massive jar of Nutella to good use!
Oh dear god. I have a sudden urge to go out and buy all the ingredients for this.
I like how you wrote to blitz the biscuits until they’re nice.. and they were ‘nice’ biscuits. Haha.. I’m so lame for having a little giggle to myself about that.
Great recipe! I didn’t even think of nutella in a cheesecake. Awesome heads up for Nutella day too
Oh my! These look absolutely darling! Definitely could sink my teeth into one of those soon!
This looks so, so good! I love the mini cakes.
what can I say? GENIUSSSS!!
Great idea to combine nutella and cheesecake!! You should consider entering this cake into – Recipe4Living’s 5th Birthday Recipe Contest! The site is turning 5 years old, and we’re giving away a Scharffen Berger gift basket to the top birthday cake that’s submitted!
Do you have U.S. measurement equivalents? And what size pan did you use? Eager to make it!
making it RIGHT NOW! weehee! so excited!
Wow! I love Nutella. I eat it every day. With a spoon! Yum.
OMG! I need to make this ASAP!
whats make it hold together if theres no gelatine?
Thanks for much for this recipe. I’ve made it twice the last two weeks, and making it again this weekend for another party. I’ve been telling everyone about your blog 🙂
To answer Lisa (#36) I did the U.S. equivalents as best I could. (Hope you don’t mind ChocolateSuze!)…
250g digestives biscuits = 8.8oz – I used shortbread cookies since I couldn’t find digestive biscuits that didn’t cost an insane amount of money.
100g butter = 3.5oz
1tsp vanilla extract – no need to convert
500g cream cheese = 17.6oz
100g icing sugar = 3.5 oz
½ cup double cream/thickened cream – no need to convert, but I used heavy whipping cream since I couldn’t find the other creams mentioned
400g jar of Nutella = 14oz – really no need to convert this, since the jars of Nutella has the grams right on the front
These are approximate. I doubled my conversions and ended up with an amazingly-yummy, easy to make, elegant-looking dessert. Thank you again for sharing this ChocolateSuze 🙂
Absolute brilliance.
A delight to make and to eat.
I made the crust using Chocolate Ripple biscuits, and lined the bottom with quarters of Ferreros to sit with the hazelnut theme and to add a little more crunch to the creamy goodness. Wonderful blog Suze thank you very much.
Merry Christmas to you and Noods.
Hi there!
This looks awesome and am planning on making it soon! Just wondering what size tin you used?
I see you are in Australia. May I “pin” this on the U.S. “Pinterest” site?? Are you familiar with Pinterest? I would put up a photo of your cake, then the link would be to your blog. Can you let me know? I’d love to pin this recipe! Can you email me to let me know? Thank you.
I cant get the mixture to set it is very runny I did everything with the nmeasurements correct how can I thicken this up PLEASE HELP
I can’t stop eating it before it goes into the springform tin!,,,Nice work, my family is going to go nuts
hi! I was just wondering if I made it into cupcakes, how many would I yield?
i used 220 grams of nutella instead of 400 oops my bad! probably thats why my cheesecake didnt turn out so rich but still tasted good! a big fat thumbs up from me
I’m making this in a couple of days. It looks AMAZING. I cannot wait.
This cheesecake is not only delicious but is so quick and easy to make! (good for mum’s who dont have much time but want to seem like they’ve put in an effort). I’ve been asked to make it for several birthday parties! Tin size missing from the recipe is approx 23cm.
HI… Could you use peanut butter rather than Nutella???
I dont have an electric beater would it still work if i done it by hand?
Made it so quick and easy looks really impreaive, everyone loved it but they all found it too sweet ( and we love sweets.) will not add sugar next time and may do mini cheesecake. May be less nutella
Thank you so much for sharing this!! I have made this twice now and its delicious. I used arrowroot biscuits that might take some of the sweetness out that some people mentioned was too much. One of the times I used light philly and light cream and it still works well and you can eat twice as much!!
I’ve died and gone to Nutella heaven! LOVE this post. I am so happy I found your site! OX
Do you think you could use this receipe but swap it for peanut butter? Dying to make a peanut butter cheesecake, no baking or gelatine. Don’t use gelatine in any of my cheesecakes! xx
I was looking for a no bake, no gelatin cheesecake to make and came across this one. i made this yesterday but omitted the Nutella as I was looking to make a blueberry one. it worked and it was delicious! and such an easy recipe, thank you so much.
Hi, I’m new to making cheesecake. Hope you don’t mind to answer my below Question:
Is this means we need total 500gm?
2 × 250g blocks of cream cheese, room temp
You say 1/2 cup cream, but then 275ml. Isn’t 1/2 cup 125mL?? How much is the correct amount?
60. I made this twice now and the second time was just today, my son wanted a triple layers Oreo Nutella cheesecake, am hoping it works as it was a hassle putting in the layers I had to wait 30 minutes each layer. The whole family love the first batch so crossing fingers this next one is a hit as well. Thank you
I lost your site after I made this cheesecake once, I just went through 30 no bake nutella cheesecake sites to find you again. This cheesecake was the easiest, best thing ever. I always bake my cheesecakes – I’m thinking that will never happen again. People are obsessed with this cheesecake, You make me look like a genius!!!! I am not ready to share your recipe yet….or ever.
Total success. Just made this and it is so idiot proof. The most challenging part of the making was not to eat all the mixture before you pop it in the tin. Love it and will surely bring this on our again, particularly when time challenged.
Cooked today Worked a treat!!!
Wow I have just made this cheesecake it’s super easy and I cannot beleive it tastes amazing !!!! I cannot beleive I have spent all these years buying from cheesecake shops !
Came back in to say this is the best nutella cheesecake recipe! I recently lost it, made two different varieties … Although ok, not as wow as this one! Lucky I had shared this recipe with my cousin and she just sent me the link. This is so delicious! I make with arnotts ripple biscuits for the base for a more chocolatey go.