Zumboron Day 2011 at Adriano Zumbo, Rozelle
Zumboron Day 2011 at Adriano Zumbo. Banh mi Burger, Vegemite, Margarita Pizza, Green Apple Pie, Strawberry Bubblegum, Salted Butter Caramel, Fried Chicken, Ramen, Redskin.
OH HAI! Sorry for not posting more regularly dudes, you see I started a new job about a month ago and it seems I no longer have the ability to function on 4 hours sleep anymore. Blast my long lost teenage abilities! Anywhos it’s that time of year again- that’s right it’s the mania that is Adriano Zumbo and his now famous Macaron Day aka Zumboron Day.
I’d originally decided I was gonna stay away from the Zumbo madness and enjoy my sleep in but several tweets on the twitterverse about a magical fried chicken macaron had me shaking the boy awake and trek to the city. The Balmain store was sure to be packed and reports of 2 hours stuck in a queue had us heading to The Star. The macaron gods were smiling at us, we found street parking less than 2mins away and woot look at our 10min queue! I haz the patience of a peanut and had been dreading the queues the most.

Fliers with the list of all 60 flavours available were being handed out and it was just a matter of ticking which flavours appealed the most. The more crazy ones had an asterisk next to them which of course was first on my hit list.

Original budget was $30 but uhhh as you can see I kinda blew that with each macaron at $2.50 um oops.

Of course I had to get a whole bunch of salted butter popcorn macs, you know, for the road.

Aaaand it’s mac stack time! Picks of the bunch left to right, top – bottom: Banh mi Burger, Vegemite, Margarita Pizza, Green Apple Pie, Strawberry Bubblegum, Salted Butter Caramel, Fried Chicken, Ramen, Redskin.

I ended up buying 2 each of everything in case a particular flavour rocked my world and oh my freaking gawd the fried chicken? All kinds of crazy! Not sure I could eat more than 1 at a time but it spun my tastebuds all out of whack, it was a macaron filled with a bready stuffing and perhaps the Colonels 11 secret herbs and spices and was deep fried for happiness.
The Banh mi burger didn’t hold up so great on the way home and the salty pate smooshed everywhere and the Margarita pizza came with the cutest teensy tiny slice of cheese with a dab of tomato sauce. The Vegemite was what I expected and well, Noods really wanted it so who am I to deny him a macaron.. as well as the strawberry bubblegum mac which um both fit into my category oh please get that away from me..
The Salted butter caramel is amazing but of course anything with salted caramel is da bomb, the green apple pie had crystalised sugar all over the mac which made for a crunchilicious mouthful of cinnamon. The Ramen didn’t really taste like much but textually I liked the noodle bits on the mac, and the Redskin mac brought back childhood memories of trying to get candy outta my teeth. And that’s all folks!
Beach trip '11
Beach trip ’11. Oh how I heart Vitamin D.
OH HAI! How was your weekend dudes? So in case you didn’t see my flood of instagram pics on twitter, mine was spent with some freaking awesome food bloggers up at the central coast for some much needed r&r.
But first, a pit stop for some snacks and beverages…

We were staying at the very awesome forty-five, the most perfect beach house ever, with 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and with decor like this Tintin statue, giant screen tv, super comfy beds, fluffy rugs, and fully kitted out kitchen.

Mo glasses!

Of course we gotta celebrate the birthday of the one who holds the fork! Hehe it’s a spaghetti and meatballs cake! Happy birthday Helen! Edit: how to make the cake: bake vanilla cake, whip up some buttercream icing and shove in ziplock or piping bag, cut off tiny edge and pipe swirly noodles everywhere. Get Ferrero Rocher chocolate and cover in raspberry jam and plonk in middle and voila!

Cheeeers to the freaking weekend!

Sparklers are so purdy 😀

Day 2 sees Lex whipping up breakfast tacos for the sleepy humans mmm fresh guacamole, scrambled eggs + chorizo, mushroom + pork mince, tomato salsa and of course bacon. Cos we heart our bacon.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

And then hit the beach for some much needed Vitamin D.

Dinner time and Billy has us weeping tears of joy at his glorious 1.4kg of pulled pork deliciousness and roast corn + cauliflower salad.

Midnight munchies means a giant ice cream sundae with Kitkat, Flake, pink wafers, Ice Magic (or in Minh’s words- Magic Mountain) and a generous handful of sprinkles. Battle Royale was our designated drinking game (drink every time someone carks it, see a weapon, someone professes their crush and when there’s a flashback heh)

Thanks to my sporadic naps all day I managed to stay up to see the sunrise but sadly there was waaaay to much fog so all I saw was ahem, moons (/shifty eyes at Lex & Richard lol). Back to the house for some shuteye aaaand then back to the beach for a couple more hours of beach shenanigans.

The weekend draws to a close and it’s game over. Muchas gracias Billy and Pete for having us over, best weekend ever!
SBS Featured Foodie
SBS Featured Foodie
So like, woot I’m the SBS Featured Foodie of the month! Hit the jump to read my feature where I ramble about pools filled with jelly, Reuben sandwiches and what I’d have for my last meal here.
Chinta Ria Mood For Love, Sydney
Tucked away on the top level of Westfield is the new branch of Chinta Ria, Mood For Love (Level 6 Westfield, Corner Pitt Street Mall and Market Street, Sydney). Make your way past the heavy wooden doors and step inside a room inspired by the movie In the Mood for Love, written and directed by Kar Wai Wong.
Oh hai Simon Goh! So like, there’s a new kid on the block with crazy awesome authentic Malaysian food.
Tucked away on the top level of Westfield is the new branch of Chinta Ria, Mood For Love (Level 6 Westfield, Corner Pitt Street Mall and Market Street, Sydney). Make your way past the heavy wooden doors and step inside a room inspired by the movie In the Mood for Love, written and directed by Kar Wai Wong. When faced with copyright issues, Simon went the extra mile and organised the filming of new sequences which are projected against the wall.
The Nipple Bar is in the far corner of the room, pumping out cocktails and we can’t resist trying a few with saucy names like Love Bite and Touch Lips.
We start off with the cutest ever Otak otak ($11) that arrive in tiny bamboo steamers. The mackerel mousse is smooth and light and just enough spice that borders on oh crap that’s burn-y but oh man that’s so tasty I just can’t stop.
Achar ($10) is pickled vegetables at its crunchy best.
Satay is always a tricky one and is always something I am extremely fussy with but these beef and satay chicken skewers ($12 for 4) were perfect, charcoaly edges and juicy meaty innards with a ridiculously addictive peanut sauce to dunk in.
Chai tow koay radish cake ($11) is panfried deliciousness /slides bean sprouts away.
Monk’s mushrooms ($18) is a rainbow of mushrooms- shiitake, enoki and oyster mushrooms brought together to celebrate the mushroom world.
Of course we can’t go past dessert and a mix platter offers the most incredible durian pannacotta ($9.80), Ondeh ondeh ($8.80), Kueh dadar ($8.80) and Pandan sago ($8.80).
ChocolateSuze dined as a guest of Chinta Ria Mood for Love
Deep Fried Twinkie at The Abercrombie, Broadway – CLOSED
So word on the street was that there were new deep fried items on the menu at The Abercrombie (100 Broadway, Chippendale- corner of Broadway & Abercrombie St). Armed with a ziploc baggie of ‘rave juice’ ($10 during happy hour, normally $13), the agwa and Red bull concoction is brightened up by a glow stick and makes for a happy Friday arvo.
OH HAI! How was your weekend dudes? Anyone hit the beach? Perrrrfect beach weather oh man looks like summer is upon us soon! So word on the street was that there were new deep fried items on the menu at The Abercrombie (100 Broadway, Chippendale- corner of Broadway & Abercrombie St). Armed with a ziploc baggie of ‘rave juice’ ($10 during happy hour, normally $13), the agwa and Red bull concoction is brightened up by a glow stick and makes for a happy Friday arvo with some awesome peeps.
YEAH BABY CHECK IT OUT YOU GUYS IT’S A DEEP FRIED TWINKIE ($8)!!! Ok a lil too much excitement but omg I heart Twinkies! If you haven’t tried a Twinkie before it’s basically a sponge cake filled with creme, and deep frying it makes it magical! The marshmallow sauce/creme/topping on top with the 100’s & 1000’s was a little too artificially sweet but the Twinkie itself was awesome, crunchy batter and soft fluffy innards with a river of molten cream.
The Philly cheese steak sandwich and fries ($17) is an incredible sight, the roll smothered in gooey cheese. While incredibly tasty it was a shame the steak was in cubes instead of slices.
Hot damn the Pie stack ($15) is one tasty pie! Super flaky buttery pastry with crazy tender beef, this is one pie I would drive across city for. Tho maybe not for the mushy peas haha
Deep-fried pizza ($9) rounds off our meal, each bite a crunchy cheesy pepperoni sensation that we gleefully and shamelessly dunk into the rich gravy that comes on the side. All too soon tables are cleared and the lights strobe in all colours of the rainbow, ol skool tunes play while a balloon man pumps out balloon hats and swords for all. Cheers to the freaking weekend!