So that was Christmas

  27 December 2011

OH HAI GUYS! Survived the craziness that was Christmas? Hope none of you exploded from all the tasty eats I’ve been glimpsing all over the internets.

The boys in my life lols. This year the Thye/Wong clan had our Xmas dinner at the Thye/Yang residence where the sun decided to shine a happy smile which we toasted with Duff beer (haha I can’t tell you guys how much fun it is to sing the Duff beer song non stop).

We don’t have turkey or ham at our dinners, instead we have roast ducky! Is it weird that I haz issues with turkey and ham? I pretty much like any other meat cept them two…

Brother unit hard at work bbqing garlic prawns

Pretty poor photo of the foods argh my bad! There was peking duck pancakes, 8 hour pulled pork, 3 kinds of salads, salsa, prawns, sashimi, garlic bread and um a bowl of bacon 😀

Humans nomming.

And a few of my Instagram pics of the week, my shiny new Nikon J1 from Santa Noods.

Went to Costco with my bro and found this 2.26kg block of Hershey happiness

Got suckered into buying banana bread beer. It sadly tasted like those fluro neon yellow banana lollies. But anywhos how was your Christmas, dudes? Any surprise gifts? Any food disasters? Lay it on me!

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