How to make a watermelon keg
Step by step instructions on how to make a watermelon keg! Serve juice from the fruit itself!
Check it out! A watermelon keg! I first saw a how-to guide on the keg here and the idea of serving fruit juice from the fruit itself was too freaking awesome to pass up! Ready for a how-to guide on making your own watermelon keg? Here we go!
First you need a watermelon. Pick one that doesn’t have too many blemishes on the outside. Important: it’s best you make the watermelon keg either on the day of your party or the night before as once opened the watermelon goes a lil funky.
And you will need a tap. I scored this plastic tap with its bits and bobs from Bunnings for about $20. It took us a while to find this plastic one as I wasn’t too keen on sticking a metal tap into fruit. The important thing with the tap is that it needs the washer/adapter thing that needs to be screwed on inside the watermelon. More on that later but meanwhile wash the tap with soapy water and rinse thoroughly.
Big props to Noods for helping me make my dream keg! Ok so now if your watermelon is a bit wobbly shave off a bit until it is stable and sits flat.
Cut the lid on your watermelon. Make sure the lid diameter is big enough to be able to stick your hand in.
Scrape off the pink watermelon flesh from the lid
And then go ahead and scoop away all the watermelon innards, occasionally pouring out the liquid into a bowl
Once all the watermelon has been scooped out, figure out where you want the tap to be placed
Carefully carve a small hole that is just under the size needed to fit in the tap. Start off small because once the hole is too big the tap will leak and there’s no going back! Once the tap fits, screw on the washer/adapter on the inside of the watermelon and make sure the tap is placed on an angle otherwise the liquid won’t flow properly.
To test for leaks fill the watermelon halfway with water
Woohoo happiness!

Luther Burgers aka Krispy Kreme Donut burgers
Luther Burgers aka Krispy Kreme Donut burgers. It is so very tasty oh yes don’t knock it till you try it! Sweet and salty the most awesomest combo evah!
(Edit: Some people are having issues that I’m using Coon Cheese. Get over it people, it’s an Australian brand and if you have probs with the name then head on over to If you have issues with how trashy this ‘burger’ is that’s fine.)
The Luther Burger. It’s a bacon cheeseburger topped with a fried egg and a slice of pineapple and Krispy Kreme donuts for the hamburger buns; I came up with the idea of making these babies for Richard’s food blogger meetup when I was stuck on ideas and entertaining myself reading this is why you’re fat knowing that everyone would be bringing super nicely presented foods haha yes I know this pretty much junk food but eh whatevs
Stuff to make the Luther Burger: box of Krispy Kreme donuts, bacon rashers, pineapple slices, cheese slices, hamburger patties and eggs
First cook your bacon. I placed the bacon on a tray and grilled in the oven until nice and crispy because I have issues with bacon spitting its hatred at me
Burger patties a-cooking
I didn’t have any egg rings so had to cook the eggs one at a time in this mini egg pan and then flipping into another pan to seal the egg yolk innards
And then the fun bit assembling time!
Slicing the donuts horizontally is the oddest feeling.
Donut halves!
Since I’d cooked the patties in the morning I just nuked them in the microwave before assembling
Sadly 1 tin of pineapple slices holds only 8 slices so 4 of the burgers missed out on the tastiness.
Cheese slices. I used Coon cheese slices but I think next time (rofl maybe not) I would use the orange American cheese
Plonk the top donut half on top and tadah!
So very tasty oh yes! Sweet and salty with a truckload of guilt. Now who wants to try it deepfried?
It’s Krrunch Time, Get Playful- Bath time with Pringles
Can you imagine a whole tub filled with Pringles? is presenting the first ever Asia-Pacific Blog Awards! Of course apart from the finalists going to Singapore not every blogger can go and so we need to create an entry to win our golden ticket to the awards. So here’s my entry dudes- Theme C: It’s Krrunch Time, Get Playful- at home.
Bath time. Bored of the normal routine?
But wait look what we have here- a can of Pringles! I have an idea that will put some Krrunch in my life!
BWAHAHAHAHHAHAA!!! Along with my dream of biting into a whole mooncake I have now fulfilled my dream of being covered in food! Glorious glorious Pringles!
WHEEEEEEEEEE! Took me and the boy about 3 hours of filling the tub with Pringles and taking photos not to mention the clean up. But wheeeeeee! Can you imagine a whole tub filled with Pringles? The sight and smell of a whole mountain of Pringles on top of me was crazy! Kept wanting to eat them by the handful! Which i may have done 😛
Heh. Cucumber slices Pringles for the eyes and I’m in heaven 😀
Hoho hope you guys liked the pics cos I’m not filling my tub with food ever again.