Steel Bar and Grill, Sydney

  28 August 2009

The two Daves from Nuffnang were coming up from Melbourne to Sydney to speak to some clients and a flurry of emails later, dinner was organised at Steel Bar and Grill (60 Carrington St, Sydney). Helen and I were told choose the Nuffnang fence-sitters and so foodbloggers Howard, Leona, Lili, Simon, Steph and Trish were invited to the dinner for the set menu ($65) along with some fabulous wines.

Bread. I’m not a fan of the dunking of bread in oil. I’m more of a slather butter on bread girl. But i still ate it. I like bread. Carbohydrates are my friend.

Olives marinated with rosemary, thyme and garlic. Yeah i didn’t eat the olives. i don’t like olives. But other people did and gave it a thumbs up!

Wood fire grilled chorizo, tomato and chilli jam. Wary of inferior chorizos with a super spicy level i halve a sausage slice and cautiously take a bite before a smile spreads across my face and i quickly retrieve the other half of my sausage. It is a gorgeously meaty sausage with a smokey flavour.

Freshly shucked Sydney rock oysters. The oysters were super fresh and heh i managed to score a second oyster thanks to the non bivalve loving Dave

Cured salmon, orange, watercress, red onion. I have issues with citrus in my savoury foods but other than the orange being on the plate the salmon was good. Tasty.

Japanese seared beef salad – cucumber, sesame, daikon. Was expecting to not like this when it came out as i don’t usually like beef salads but this was awesome the strips of beef were tender and juicy and while the sauce was a tad on the sweet side the sesame seeds made it so moreish

150 day grain fed Sirloin, hand cut chips, béarnaise, watercress. Although i had asked for my steak to be medium rare it was closer to a medium. It was still good tho. But i didn’t like the bearnaise sauce mainly because it was a great cut of steak and the flavour was awesome and didn’t need that drowning of sauce. I super loved the bits of fat that was ribboned thruout my steak. And it tasted like… WIN! (lol that was totally a roboppy reference hehe happy birthday dude!) and look at those chunky chunky fries! They were ginormous!

Wood fire grilled salmon, celeriac salad, basil infused oil. I swapped a bite of salmon with my steak with Lili. It sure was tasty altho just a bit overcooked. But i loved the smokey taste.

Spiced chicken breast, roasted carrot puree, bok choy, ginger. ‘Hey Suze want to try the crispy chicken skin?’ [pause] ‘and the chicken?’ bwhahaha oh Leona how you know me well! I love love chicken skin when it has been crispified!

Baked potato gnocchi, rich tomato sauce, ligurian olives. Simon is the only one who has opted for the gnocchi and we all sneak bites and oh! The gnocchi is pillow soft! Like babies! And the tomato sauce was perfect and i would have gotten the bread and mopped up every last bit.

And then my favourite part of all meals- DESSERT TIME! Pavlova, double cream, passionfruit, caramelised banana. I’m a sucker for pavs mainly because of the cream. I love cream. And all pavs are sweet so i’m easily pleased. I have issues with passionfruit tho- i love the taste but not so much the crunch of the seeds. Helen donates half of her pav to the chocolatesuze cause hee <3

Caramel and pear crème brulee, date and walnut cigars. Howard offers me first crack at the creme brulee hoho i have awesome friends! While i don’t usually like pear or apple in desserts the nubbins of soft pear in the brulee are a nice contrast to the toffee layer and i absolutely loved the cigars! Flakey pastry and sweet sweet date innards with the crunch of walnut mmm tasty

Chocolate marquise, grand marnier cream, pistachio praline. Chocolate! Rich, dense and while i suffered from dessert envy one spoonful was enough for me.

Super thanks to Dave and Dave from Nuffnang for the dinner! i had an awesome time catching up with everyone and if you guys have a blog and haven’t signed up yet click here and you get a free prize pack! And feel free to say i referred ya =D

Chocolatesuze dined at Steel Bar and Grill courtesy of Nuffnang Australia

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