Super Easy Cheese Muffins

  8 March 2011

So I thought it was time to do something savoury for my “Super Easy” recipes hehe so in case you don’t know but I heart cheese. Brie, mozzarella, camembert, ricotta, mascarpone, parmesan, cheddar, feta, halloumi, cream cheese, gruyere, jarlsberg, swiss, paneer mmm I’m still working my way into appreciating blue cheeses but hey give me time 😛 I used to hate cheese when I was a kid, I could never understand the appeal of those weird pyramids from the happy cow cheese or those mini wheels of cheeses in the bright red wax. But then one day in primary school, my mum (HI MUM!) handed me a toasted cheese sandwich and the rest is history.

This cheese muffin recipe is awesome and super quick to make. I based it on the CSR recipe but added romano cheese and some black pepper. If I was one of those people with a well stocked spice rack I would’ve added cayene pepper. But I’m not so I didn’t but hey knock yourself out and give em a try!

2 cups plain flour
4 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
¼ cup oil
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 ¼ cups milk
1 cup grated tasty cheese
½ cup grated romano cheese (or parmesan)
1 Tbsp ground black pepper

Pre heat oven to 180C. Whack everything in a bowl. See my egg? Beat it before adding!

Stir ingredients until combined. If the mixture seems too dry add a bit more milk until mixture is stir-able but not so much that it’ll be like cupcake batter. Make sure there’s no flour pockets but don’t over stir too much or the muffins will be tough and chewy.

Use an ice cream scoop to portion out your muffins

Bake for about 15 – 20 minutes until golden brown. Cool muffins on a wire rack.

Why hello come here often? These babies are sexy right outta the oven and made even more sexier with a dab of butter. Cos butter makes everything sexy. Nuke them in the microwave for about 5 sec if you can resist not eating them straight away. And then add the butter. Cos it’s sexy.

2 thoughts on “Super Easy Cheese Muffins”
  1. Elizabeth says:

    Add some bacon – very tasty on cool days for lunch with salad. Ok to warm up.

  2. Kate says:

    Oh my gosh! These are so good! At first the mix was really dry so I added a few tablespoons of milk and voila! I baked for 20mins and they came out perfect, if not a little crispy. Butter with them is divine and I had a beef sauce with them… heaven! I’ve made these countless times and needless to say they’re my go to recipe for a simple snack!

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