Super Easy Chocolate Cake

  7 May 2012

What’s the time boys and girls? That’s right it’s CHOCOLATE CAKE TIME! And not just any chocolate cake, but the world’s easiest one bowl chocolate cake! Muchas gracias to the one and only Citrus and Candy for the recipe which I’d bookmarked awhile ago waiting for the perfect lazy weekend arvo.

Aaaand a lazy weekend it was! Managed to catch The Avengers which was pretty awesome (and lols at spotting all the randoms from Dollhouse!) and then the sudden craving for chocolate cake appeared out of nowhere and boom I needed some stat!

150g salted butter
220g brown sugar
100g milk chocolate
50g cocoa
160ml milk
3 large eggs, room temperature
1 cup + 2 Tbsp plain flour
1½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda

Preheat oven to 170°C. Grease and line a 20-21cm square tin. In a large pot melt the 150g butter, once butter has melted add the 100g chocolate, 220g brown sugar, 50g cocoa and 160ml milk. Remove from heat, whisk everything to combine and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Add the eggs to the mixture and whisk to combine. Sift over the 1cup + 2Tbsp flour, 1½ tsp baking powder, ½ tsp baking soda then gently stir to mix.

Scrape batter into tin and bake for 45-55 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean. Generally I like making mini cakes so that I’ve got enough batter to make some cupcakes to give away so obviously the smaller the tin the shorter the baking time.

While the cake is cooling it’s time for the fun part! Icing! Harris Farm Markets is now stocking blocks of Callebaut chocolate and the lovely Carlo sent me over some Milk, Hazelnut and White Chocolate and it totally makes cakes incredible.

I couldn’t resist using the hazelnut chocolate for the icing and hot damn I could totally eat the ganache with a spoon! Bring 300ml of cream to a boil and remove from heat and immediately chuck in 400g of chopped chocolate and whisk. Leave to cool and freaking RESIST dipping your finger in!

This is what happens when you’re too impatient and pour the ganache before it’s cooled down enough…

While waiting for your ganache to cool why not make some pretty choc curls? I find that it helps if the chocolate is a little warm before scraping with a grater to make the curls.

Spoon on some ganache and swirl away, top with some curls and tadah! World’s easiest cake!

Spread the love and share some chocolate cake! Have an awesome week guys!

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